Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fun Times

Hello all, haven't posted in awhile. I've been really busy with work and cleaning of sorts.
Willard and I have rearranging the kitchen and cleaning a bit, its starting to look more and more like a studio apartment. :3 But in accordance to the last post, this week with Willard here has been amazing. Everything has gone smoothly, and I couldn't be happier to have him. Not that you all really care for the mooshy stuff. XD

We've also been hanging out with our good friend Kalyn (Ghosty), and its been great fun. I've never been around such a goof with so much energy. She makes me feel young again. *cough* Not like I'm old or anything XD

But anywhoozle, here's some happy photos to express the awesomeness of my week:

More art on the way! Going to work on some Citrine ideas with Willard tonight, I need to get the ball rolling. :3


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Just as the title says, it is the day of Earth. I hope that you all are going as green as you can, though I've already failed at that pretty hard today. So, I think I'll redeem myself by walking somewhere rather than ride in a car. That seems pretty doable.

At least when I do, I'll have people to walk with. Willard arrives in 3 or so hours, then Kalyn is going to pick him up. (with or without her raver clothes haha)
I'll make sure to take pictures of the fun day ahead, it'll give you all something to look at, at least.

Well this one is going to be short, since there's a lot to do.
Though I'm not sure the next time I'll be able to write on here, since we're technically moving into mary lou's house, but I'll make it a point to do something else during the day so her and her man can do things and be alone. So we'll see how this all ends up, hopefully not as bad as last time.. roomates are hard. >>

Also, random note, there's ANOTHER Shrek moving coming out?... what else could they possibly do with that story..


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The day approaches

So, Willard has been delayed about 6 hours. Apparently, a group of people missed the bus, as well as himself, and they had to wait 3 hours for the next one going the same way. Fun...
So, starting the day early, isn't going according to plan anymore, then again.. what does anymore?
Tomorrow should be a fun day overall though. What with Willard coming finally, us hanging out with Ghosty, finally having a place for us to stay, etc. I'm pretty optimistic that it'll all go pretty well, so let's hope its not to waste.

Paypal has been ticking me off again lately. They like to think its ok to verify my bank, then take it back off without telling me. I had to spend money with my paypal to realize it, luckily its been only one thing.. but, now I have to figure out where that charge went to, hopefully nowhere bad.
It pretty much told me that its the bank itself denying all these transfers, so I have to go flip on PNC for the fifth time, to get things to run smoothly. Gosh, do I hate banks.

Well I'll stop rambling for once and get to cleaning the house for tomorrow. Also, oh snap, I drew something! It'll have to do for now, once again, no time to really sit and do anything on Photoshop, and at the moment I'm too lazy to take pictures and load them.

Here's to a better tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home is where the creative heart is.

In the past day, I've been really getting back into jamming to music. I realized just sitting around that its been too quiet around. With that idea, I popped on my playlist and had a sense of euphoria.
I haven't heard some of these songs in ages! Its amazing what listening to an old favorite can do. I've got into a happier and optimistic mood from it, its refreshing. :3

Willard is currently in Texas, as of 1am EST., so he's alittle farther than he was. I'm sure that trip will make a lot of distance during the night. All the plans that became broken out of nowhere, are now fixed with a bit of quick thinking and alternation.
My good friend Ghosty (Kalyn) and Mary Lou are my life savers during this rollercoaster of a mess. They deserve much kudos, and a cookie.

I've been working on concept sketches for Citrine, in my notebook. I can't settle on anything for the characters on the "evil" side. I have the general idea of the type of people I want them to be, just not the details on them one by one, if that makes sense. I've done off and on revamping of the outfits for the characters as well, I just can't seem to settle my OCD on one in particular. I don't want them changing too much, if at all during this story, so I have to fight my brain to come up with a final idea. Its driving me nuts.. and is mainly why I haven't produced much on Citrine lately. Well, that, and the fact that life has been a mess lately..

Just being back home, in front of my computer, with my cat and old environment are making me feel much more productive. Something about the incense, the lighting, the old things I use to look at everyday.. ah bliss!

I wish I would get more commissions, I haven't had one in a good while, and it kinda of leaves me feeling unwanted. =/ But, I know that I'll have to at least get something going with Citrine to capture attention, hopefully positive, or neutral if anything.

...ah .. I miss you Daft Punk. d^_^b


Monday, April 19, 2010

When are things going to get easy?


I've had it planned for months that Willard was to come here, and my ex-roomate Ashley promised that she would pick him up. And now, as I text her, I'm finding out she may not be able to...

and on top of that.. he leaves tomorrow morning to come here...

So, I'm sure you can imagine that I'm just a tad stressed.

Also, I've unfortunately gained a decent amount of weight, no longer fitting the brides maid dress I originally fit back in november. So now I'm pretty much screwed unless I drop about 40 lbs in a few months... No more food for me..

From all the above, I haven't been too happy. I haven't had the mood to just sit down and work on art. Everything keeps crashing around me, so the want to create has dwindled..
Making this more and more a journal then an art blog, which I originally wanted it to be, and still want it to... but at the moment its not, and I apologize. If things were better, there would be more to see.

I'm sorry life is made of fail at the moment and there's nothing to look at..but I promise there will be soon.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Work work work

Well, I haven't had time to draw at all since that first blog.
Work has kept me over a bit longer than expected lately..

All in all, no free times for me.. .boo. T_T

But on the brightside, on the 22nd, Willard will finally be here! Yay >w<
So, at least I've got my optimism back. =3

I'd be much better off if I had commissions coming my way again.. I really haven't seen one of those in ages. I don't know if people just think I suck, or everyone is just poor. >>

I suppose I'll try to stay positive, as better things will come one's way in that case.
Maybe now that I've reached a computer, I can spit something out later tonight or tomorrow, we'll see.

Ta ta!


Friday, April 16, 2010

My first artblog!

Hello all!

As said in the title, I finally now have my own artblog! Woo!
There's finally a place to rant about the happenings of the day, as well as post something art related that's in my head.

Sounds like a win win for anyone reading yes?

As my friend Andrew pointed out, I need to start doing more art, so, this is to help push that idea along. I'm pretty sure it will work out a bit better since this will be a just me space.

Currently, I'm addicting to the Give a Llama, Get a Llama "party" "event" thinger on Deviantart. Collecting more llamas, making my badge level up to being a more super or fancier llama... its all too fun. A bit repetitive, but still fun! So if you haven't already, get to DA and get in on the fun!

Anywho, I'll update this later with more sketches / ideas / rants to keep you all updated.
